How Much Do You Know About Seasonal Allergies?
For people with seasonal allergies, spring and fall can be times of sniffles and sneezes. Find out more about seasonal allergies by taking this quiz.
1. Which of the following is a symptom of seasonal allergies?
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Other symptoms include itchy eyes, nose, and throat, and a runny nose. The time of year that people have symptoms depends on where they live and the substances to which they’re allergic.
2. What causes seasonal allergies?
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Airborne pollens are outdoor allergens that commonly trigger symptoms during the spring and fall. Molds can be found both outdoors and indoors – in homes and other buildings. Outdoor mold is a seasonal allergen. Indoor mold can be present year round. Pet dander is another allergen but can affect a person year-round.
3. Which of the following is true about pollens?
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Many trees, grasses, and weeds have small, light, dry pollens that trigger allergy symptoms. Brightly colored flowers rely on insects to spread their pollen, and so don’t usually trigger allergies.
4. Which of the following is true about molds?
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Mold spores are found everywhere. In some areas they are so abundant that they may outnumber pollens in the air. Molds are microscopic fungi. They don’t have a specific season but are affected by weather conditions such as wind, rain, or temperature.
5. What do pollen and mold counts measure?
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Pollen and mold spore counts can be determined daily and are reported as grains per cubic meter of air. These counts are available on the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology’s
6. How can weather affect allergy sufferers?
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Pollen is released and blown over wide areas in windy weather.
7. Which of the following can reduce allergy symptoms?
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Keeping windows closed and using air conditioning cuts down on the amount of pollen and mold indoors. Air conditioning also helps lessen moisture in the air. Many people get relief from taking over-the-counter medicines. Other people need prescription medicines or allergy shots to feel better.
8. Which of the following can increase allergy symptoms?
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If possible, have someone else do the yard work. If you can't do this, wear a face mask that filters pollens and molds when working outdoors. Plants that are overwatered can grow mold spores. These spores can trigger allergy symptoms.
9. When should people with allergies see an allergy/asthma specialist?
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An allergy/asthma specialist can give you more information on your allergies. They will tell you about the pollens and molds in your area and advise you on treatment. They will help you develop an Asthma Action Plan to manage your asthma symptoms and triggers.
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